

its getting sucker!!
11:18 PM

thnx da ying bcoz u always there when i need u..



bout the coral speaking..

we got 2nd place..its quite embarrassing bcoz we loose to Chinese school but what to do..we deserve it.. hahaha but im so proud bcoz we win CPT..hahah they were damn go0d weyh..not like us..last minute preparation..



bout my red skirt thing-ing..i think i should resign.i dont know..i really want to be a prefect bcoz i want the koko marks...i hv to go under training 4 another 1month.. redha je la..haaaahhhh..i hate friday!!every friday sure will got smthng going on at school..and u know what the craziest people there always be me and my 'prefect ditendang geng' its really unfair rite..but what to do..we r so invisible..



We can work things out.